Dairy Products For Sale

Dairy Products Add comments

5.00 per half gallon
7.00 per gallon ( 2 half gallon jars)

You can provide your own jars or purchase jars from us. We charge $5.00/jar: all jars are 1/2 gallon jars. Keep in mind that you will have jars with you and jars left here at the farm, depending on your needs. You must return your jars each week for your next weeks milk. Please return jars, clean, sanitized and dry.

Milk will be available for approximately 6 to 9 months a year. This year we will breed in usually December. The Cow will be dried off a 2 month period of growing strong healthy babies.

Our animals are fed premium quality alfalfa/grass hay, have free pasture time and a 16-18% grain mix and Black Oil sunflower seeds while milking. They also have fresh water, and mineral available to them year round. Should the need arise for other medications all withdraw times are followed according to the medication label. This animal would be milked last and all milk discarded for that period of time.

Come see the farm!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

You select a day of the week you want to pick up your milk weekly. Every week you are able to come to the farm and pick up your milk. We look forward to working with you!


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